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Buy a stone pipe online!
The stone pipes we sell are made from natural stone and are carved and polished into a smooth smoking pipe. The natural stone is what makes the pipe durable and gives it a beautiful appearance!
Why should I choose a stone smoking pipe?
When smoking with a stone smoking pipe, you will notice that the pipe heats up very slowly. When you like your smoke to be cool when you inhale it, it’s really nice to use a stone pipe. A stone pipe is great for dissipating the heat from your hits. Next to that, the pipe is very solid. Your stone pipe can withstand a bit of rough handling much better than a glass pipe! That’s also what makes them so durable.

Smoking a stone pipe is best compared to a glass pipe. As mentioned before, the smoke will stay cool. Plus, the stone pipe adds no flavor to your smoke. So if you’re looking for optimal preservation of your herb’s flavor, a stone pipe is an excellent way to get the flavor you’re looking for.

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99,00 DKK
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99,00 DKK