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Shiro is an all-white product that contains nicotine but no tobacco. Shiro is made from pure plant fibers with nicotine added. The product provides an effective nicotine experience and a long-lasting clean taste.

The pouches are completely white and made in a slim format with a balanced moisture that makes the pouch discreet and comfortable in the mouth. Shiro is Japanese for white. Pure taste for you.

This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical. This product does not contain tobacco.

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Med henvisning til bekendtgørelse om forbud mod reklame, synlig anbringelse og fremvisning m.v. af elektroniske cigaretter og genopfyldningsbeholdere med og uden nikotin § 3, stk. 1, skal jeg venligst anmode om at få fremvist det samlede produktsortiment.

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